We currently look after the following sites which are planted with bulbs for spring, and then replanted in early summer, mainly with colourful bedding plants.
Market Place: A planter was bought, funded by Awards for All, for the plinth at Market Place. We have improved the general appearance of this area, helped by a contribution from a Community Grant, and added lots of new plants. Local Explorer Scouts have helped keep the area clear of moss and leaves and have planted bulbs for a spring show.
Moss Road/Bridge of Weir Road corner: Three half-barrel planters, funded from members’ subscriptions, have been placed at this corner.
Piazza: This large area in the centre of the village is enhanced by six large planters, funded by Awards for All.
Time Capsule area: Here we have two half-barrels, funded by Community Grants, either side of the bench and a narrow semi-circular border behind
the Time Capsule.
Slope at Carriages/former station: Teams of our members cleared the slope of years of debris prior to planting. The great majority of the plants used here came from local gardens and were donated by members and supporters. Of all our projects, this one has had the greatest impact. From these pictures you can clearly see the difference we have made.
Knockbuckle Road, at Birkmyre Park: Seven concrete planters, once maintained by Inverclyde Council, were adopted by Colourful Kilmacolm.
Laybys: At the Bridge of Weir end of the village, a layby has a lovely display of snowdrops and crocuses in spring. The layby at the Port Glasgow end is similarly planted and also has a small bed with bulbs and plants.
Whitelea Crescent: Our latest addition is two barrier baskets at the end of Whitelea Crescent, welcoming those entering from the cycle track.

On our Pictures Pages you can see more results of these projects. We hope you will agree that these projects have brightened up our village.